Tuesday, November 9, 2010


A rainy weekend in Napa - is there anything better?

My first stop was to see this little fella...who looks nothing short of adorable in this little yellow rain jacket. Don't you agree?

*I wondered what he was doing in the bottom right picture and then I realized he was mimicking his crazy Tante with the camera in her face. Clever little lad.

We had planned on a long walk, but upon arrival Ever kept repeating, "it's raining, Tante!" I nearly died each time he said it and had to try very hard to keep my composure.

So we opted for story time instead...

And then a drive. Behold, the many faces of sweet, sweet Ever. I couldn't pick just one! Can you blame me?

We ventured to Whole Foods for lunch, but Ever had a hard time waiting, so we munched on an apple as we strolled through the aisles...

Saturday night is for sister mischief. I really have no words for these photos other than, my sisters are rad. We headed up Partrick Road in search of rebobs. We didn't find any, but we did have a pretty killer photo shoot in the road. And I have no idea what I was doing with my mouth in these pictures. And my sisters are fierce.

Aside from fun with babies and rebobs, the main purpose of my weekend visit was to celebrate this girl's birthday...

*photo circa 2007 but a classic in my mind.

My Emily. Well I guess I should say "our Emily", although in a perfect world I would have her all to myself. Anyway, she is as fun and cute and silly and wild and loyal as she looks. She has a hilarious, tough exterior but her heart is still like a child's: pure and sweet. She is the only girl in our family to wind up with our Daddy's blue eyes and she is the only one who can sing like a bird. Actually, more like Carrie Underwood. She can rock dark hair or blond. She doesn't shy away at the sight of blood. She likes eyeliner but also likes mud. She can make me laugh like A LOT. And now she is 23. My baby sister is 23. But to me, I think she always be eight, with ginormous sky blue eyes, pouty (in a good Angelina way) lips, singing "Katie and Tommy" on the porch.

So we celebrated. At Casa de Awesome, of course. We enjoyed delicious lemon shrimp pasta, Mom's homemade ice cream cake, football, a fire and maybe a cocktail or two.

We sang happy birthday to you and she blew out
her candle and all was right with the world.

I wonder what she wished for?

I, on the other hand, just wished for a happy year for this girl.

And I have a feeling she will get just that.

1 comment:

  1. Hahahaha those are some crazy girls! Your pictures are amazing sister! Everest is getting so big. What happened to the small toddler he used to be?
    What have you been making for dinner lately?

    Love you


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