Tuesday, April 26, 2011

easter weekend

::little eggs. and one big egg.

::tulips that were still alive and new shoes (as it turns out, my feet and wedges are not the best of friends they once were). but they are so cute.

::baby boy shower crafting.

::beatty's chocolate cake returned to my kitchen and my apron wears a bit differently these days.

::easter morning at the caldwell's where there were edible bunnies (homemade and decorated by mama-too cute, no?) and not so edible bunnies.

::adorable babies in darling easter clothes and love all around.

:: and food. lots of yummy food. and beer for boys.

::sandaled feet. green grass. and little, industrious smiles.

::easter afternoon at grandma's and grandpa's house.

::and lots of easter treats to bring home. could you just die over the handmade card from emily? her holiday cards are famous. and many thanks to the in-laws for the chocolate...know the way to my heart they do.

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