eight sure is great and boy, you are a different baby this month! it has been our favorite month so far. we have seen more changes than ever before in your little life...it's as if you are doing something new every day - which i always thought was a lie.
you learned to pull yourself up, scoot, and crawl all in two weeks!
we introduced you to finger foods after you showed us your pincer grasp! you have fed yourself blueberries, black beans, pease, cheese, banana chunks, puffs...and you like everything we have put in front of you so far - even yogurt!
you can entertain yourself for quite some time now - it is so fun to watch you play. you concentrate really hard.
we are starting to get glimpses of your personality. i think you are pretty easy going, curious, happy, vocal, determined and tender.
you have a few new tricks. our favorites are "so big!", your lip smack, how you cry "mmmmmmmmmmm" and slap your palms on you high chair tray as you (impatiently)wait for your food, and lastly, when you babble and exclaim "mamamama". of course :)
your hair still gets you a lot of attention from strangers.
you poop more and spit up less.
your favorite thing is to be standing on two feet.
you have graduated to a big boy car seat and you really like your new view.
and you are still, our darling little boy.
and because i couldn't possibly leave this one out...
sooooo big!