Tuesday, August 7, 2012

eleven months

your last monthday post before you are one!  how can this be? i think that it can't get any better, but then each month seems to be better than the last.  and that is exactly what happened in your eleventh month...

::  you now say "nana" for banana, "bye bye" and "hi".  you also recognize and try to say "blueberry"  and it sounds more like "blooooo-baaaaaahh".  so cute.  you love to stand at the door and say "buh, buh", waving your little paw as the cars drive by.  as i am sure is the case for every parent, it kind of blows us away to hear you talk.  you are also spending a lot of time mimicking sounds and words we say. 

::  you can stand on your own!  we even saw you take a step, but it was a fluke, because you have yet to take another.  and that is fine by us :)

::  you dance when you hear music and are in the mood.  you either bounce or slowly sway your body back and forth.  of course, its simply hilarious.

::  you love the driver's seat.  you seem really boyish as you grab and turn the steering wheel and flip on the windshield wipers.

::  you think bodily noises are the most funny.  great.  burps, barfing noises, hiccups and sneezes.  such a boy you are.

::  when i first heard, "its a boy!", i had a slew of fun and hilarious visions running through my head and one of them was that you may be a "wrecker" - a boy who just loved to destroy stuff.  i am sure that phase will find its way to our house, but for now i am loving watching how you carefully inspect things, as if you are trying to figure out how it works. 

1 comment:

  1. He's starting to fit into the chair :(. He's just the cutest and your blog is GREAT! Hope he had a great bday party.


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