Sunday, September 23, 2012

insta dump

::  i am not sure he could be much happier.
:: or any more funny.  and how about those little underwears?  

:: i adore his serious face as much as his smiley face.

:: we ventured to chico for a little photo shoot with the ever talented kristen privett.  and so naturally, we also stopped at the sierra nevada factory. 

::  it seems that i lucked out with a baby who likes the water.  thank the heavens. 

::  finn's first fair was a success!

::  sometimes finn has a bad day.  it happens to us all.

::  each of these pictures just slay me.  he is too much!!  i think he really enjoys food.  hmmmm...  in other food news, finn has expanded his palette and enjoyed his first pb&j yesterday.  it was a hiiiiiiit. 

::  oma came over last week and finn was so excited he spent thirty minutes jumping in and out of her lap and bringing her new books to read.  it was so tender to watch.

::  now that my dear husband has a normal work schedule, i am afforded dates with the lady friends, sans baby.  it is just what the doctor ordered.  along with a mimosa or two. 

:: twins, cozy coupes, sleeping babes and a vanilla milkshake.  all good things.

::  i busted out some of my favorite old heels now that my feet have finally returned to their pre-pregnancy size 8.5.  it hurt and felt great - all at the same time.  and me and the mister's new favorite couple shot.

::  we finally ditched the baby bath.  why didn't i do it months ago? 

::  finn's first visit to the nut tree.  ryan and i couldn't contain our excitement to introduce him to the carosel.  finn was shaking with anticipation as we waited in line.  we talked about what his first trip to disneyland will be like...oh my....dreaming....

::  we took the boy to nordi's and got him his first pair of stride rites - the shoes of my youth!!  finn's new kicks inspired him to try some yoga positions.

::  i tried to imagine what would make finn happy on his first birthday...and i figured animals and a picnic with blueberries were the key.  and after that, i let him run around naked. 

:: mowing the lawn, a playdate with friends, "where is finn?" and his face when daddy gets home.
:: we got finn his first set of legos.  i am secretly hoping that this fuels an obsession.  

:: and lastly, finn on his tricycle. in typical boy fashion, he likes to go fast.  real fast.


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