Wednesday, October 3, 2012

sunday morning

i may not be too sure about the angels and pearly gates kind of heaven.  but if there is a heaven, i hope it is just like family bed time on a sunday morning.  it's just all kinds of right - like walking into a house that smells like apple pie.  or jumping into a perfectly chilled pool.  or spooning.  it is an all encompassing kind of happy for me. 
like most do during family bed time we tussle, cuddle, read, tickle, explore and peer out the windows looking for kitties and puppies.  and then sometimes we take pictures.
this sunday i got a picture of the hair on his back.  that is probably the most vivid memory i have of the first time i held finn - i had never felt anything softer than the downy hair on his back. 
after the finn grew tired of the smallness of our bed, we migrated to the sink for bath time. 
and for some reason, he shocked me by seemingly becoming even more darling than he had been five minutes before. 
i think sunday just may be my new favorite day of the week. 
it used to be thursday.  i liked the anticipation.  it was all right in front of me : the weekend.
but now, i think it's hard to beat the slowness and the calm of sunday.  it is in the moment and usually, content.  i am often happy for what was (the weekend nearly over).  and content with what is (the week ahead). 
yes, i dare say, sunday is my favorite.

1 comment:

  1. Sunday mornings with the Kelly's looks so wonderful. Tante might need to schedule a sleepover to witness pure bliss! xoxo


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