Wednesday, June 22, 2011

dad's day. and a birthday!

all the girls gathered at casa de awesome to celebrate our dear dad. what a guy. and papa got a new fancy hat for the occasion!

in typical casa de awesome fashion, we had a cook out - burgers were dad's request and burgers he got! so did we.

coke. mexican coke. how i miss you. there truly is no other. sister did let me steal a couple of sips, however.

it may have been dad's day but we kind of partied like it was our day too.

THIS KIDDIE POOL ROCKED MY WORLD. and yes, i am aware that i look like a pale skin vampire with my tan-less skin, especially when seated next to my blond, malibu barbie-esque sisters. i am working on it.

we sat in here for hours, laughing, wondering when the last time we were all in a kiddie pool together and relaxing...all while uttering, "this is heeeeaven" about every five minutes.

after play and supper, we hit up the garden to marvel at the soon-to-come bounty and dad's drip system...pretty cool!

we took a family shadow picture and walked around the vineyard...well the rest of the family walked...i rode on the four-wheeler. don't judge me until you have seen my ankles.

i hope daddy had as much fun as i did. because he really deserves it. he should write a handbook on being a dad. he really is a man who is careful with his words, but what he does say either cracks me up or is pretty powerful. so many life lessons i have learned from him and my favorite are probably, "never burn a bridge" and "if you are gonna do a job, do it right". both are so, so true.

i also lucked out in the father-in-law department. he not only raised the man i love, but he is pretty fun to be around too. he is always up to date on current events, makes a mean drink and will keep you laughing...i love that about him.

and my own mister - a dad-to-be. our baby has no idea all the fun that he or she is in store for. he is everything a great dad should be and i can't wait to see him in action...i am certain i will fall in love all over again.


sunday was also a day to celebrate my dear mama's birthday who turned another year older on monday. sadly, i missed out on her wild party saturday night at gma's, but we opened presents and tried to spoil her a bit on sunday.

*an oldie but a goodie. mom and me, circa 2007

she really is the most remarkable woman i know. each year, i realize it more. and just when i think she is as cool as it gets, each year she just seems to get cooler, surprising me with her quick wit, dashing good looks and her unending kindness for others. she just has it all and i am so happy to call her mine. happy birthday mama!

*note: when i first published this post, apparently i referred to my mama as being "dead" instead of "dear"-which was my true intent. such an awful typo. and such a dunce i feel like. rest assured, mama abernethy is well and very much alive-thank goodness :) thanks for delicately pointing out my mistake, brandy!!

1 comment:

  1. It always looks amazing at casa de awesome! Happy Father's Day to Uncle Mike and a very Happy Birthday to Aunt Colette! I can only imagine how much more wonderful {if that's possible} casa de awesome will be when 2 tiny feet and hands make their debut : )


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