Tuesday, May 22, 2012

nine months

yes finn, you are so big. so very big!

* you are all over the place! crawling, pulling yourself up, cruising and you just decided to begin climbing. wow.   in fact, this monthday post is so late, because it took three different attempts to get this photo :)  not a big fan of sitting still these days!

* you wave!  you stick your fist in the air and open and close it.  and it feels like such a huge deal. like you are really interested in communicating.

* you find other babies and kids really fascinating. you could stare and watch them all day. usually with your eyes and mouth wide open. happy to just observe.

* speaking of open mouth - you started giving me kisses on occasion. i pucker up and ask for a kiss and you smile, lean in and open that mouth. it is slobbery and heavenly.

* you eat EVERYTHING! we think your favorites are cheese, smoothies, blueberries, avocados and cheerios.

* on mother's day, you fed grandpa great a cheerio for the first time and now you love to share your food with us - it is so precious. and sometimes you like to pretend like you are going to share only to shove it in your own mouth.  of course, we think that is just hilarious.

* once again, you are a good little sleeper. sleep training was rough but was the right move for us. you learned pretty quick and usually sleep from 7 to 7.  sometimes you wake up around five but just like us to tuck you back in and fall right back to sleep.  oh and you no longer nurse at night - kinda sad but also kinda cool.

* you still love to nurse during the day though!  my oh my. usually about five or six times a day. i am not ready for you to stop nursing yet, but sometimes i wonder if weaning will pose a challenge. you are very aggressive about getting in my shirt :)

* lately, i have been your favorite person. you reach for me and cry "mama" when daddy or someone else holds you. not sure if you find me charming or if you just know that i am the lady with the milk.

* you are such a happy little guy. in the car, at a baseball game, out past your bedtime - you just roll with it and are easy breezy.

and of course, you are just the cutest thing we have ever seen. 

1 comment:

  1. SO worth the attempt for that picture though, best one yet! Such a cutie!


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