Tuesday, November 1, 2011


it started early. because we like to get as much out of this holiday as possible. costume number one:

this little cow (costume thanks to mimi and pops!) got all bundled up for an early morning walk to starbucks.

mommy and daddy cow got pumpkin spice lattes and pumpkin scones. i am not going to lie. it was a bit much. but i suppose that is part of the spirit of the holiday, right?

after learning that we should have been reading to finn from day one (oops!), i read him his first book. appropriately, the very busy spider.

finn decided on halloween that he would begin expressing joy during bathtime, rather than sporting a blank, comatose-like stare. it is much more fun now. for all.

our little family got all dressed up. two farmers and the little peapod, the organic peapod, they grew. i wish you could see my cowboy boots. they were pretty rockin'. and i will never tire of seeing my mister in those overalls. equally handsome and hilarious. i decided to call him "manly", as in almanzo wilder. my very own farmer boy.

we headed to tante cory's for a halloween bash! there was even an outdoor bed to lounge on, music and a big outdoor fire. october magic.

her house looked so spooky! i love spooky.

finn the pea pod made the rounds and spotted all these loving faces...

agent ever stole my heart. as always. and made me laugh. a lot. as always.

homemade carnitas with slaw. black beans. spaghetti squash. pumpkin pie. popcorn. guacamole. brie and chutney. and my tante's famous cake. i wish i could do it all over again today.

finn's first halloween was a real scream. it started early. and ended late...

with a whole lot of happy in between.

1 comment:

  1. You guys are so adorable and of course Finn is SO cute!!


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