Saturday, December 17, 2011

four months

four months! is it true, finn?! we just can't believe it.

this month has brought so many changes:

you can grab, hold and bring things to your mouth. its like a whole new world for you. you play with toys like its your job, furrowed brow and pursed lips.

somewhere in the last month you discovered the television and became obsessed. now the tv has to stay off until you go to bed at night otherwise you are straining your neck all day to catch a glimpse.

you have a few new nicknames: baby boy, finnegan, finnie, finner, butter cup, boos, baby boos.

you laugh! but only for your two tantes. i guess daddy and i just aren't that funny. its ok, we are working on it.

you can roll from your tummy to your back.

you are a thumbsucker! and sometimes a finger sucker. and sometimes a multiple finger sucker.

you looooooove to stand up with a lot of help...its makes you so proud.

the ergo is your new best friend. and mama's too. but you and sophie the giraffe are still pretty tight.

at times you go up to four hours in between meals...such a big boy. while it does offer us a little more freedom, a part of me misses you nursing every hour and a half. i just love having you so close to me.

we are so excited to celebrate our first christmas with you...

and we love you, baby finn. every little bit of you.

even your super serious face.

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