Tuesday, February 14, 2012

six months

oh happy day! finn! you are six months old!

* you started babbling just today! it cracks me up and i love when you all of the sudden learn something new and then can't stop practicing. your new favorite sound is "babababababa". and then sometimes you move your mouth as if you were saying "bababbabababa" but no sound comes out. it kills me.

* you are becoming much more independent in your old age. you love playing on the floor and have learned to entertain yourself for extended periods. you know, like ten minutes or so.

* you eat fruits and veggies twice a day. i think sweet potatoes, apples and squash are your favorites. i keep trying to get you into banana and avocado but each time you take a bite, you pretend that you are gagging. so dramatic. :)

* you still love to nurse and lately have been requesting it every two to three hours again. like the old days. awwww. although i love our sessions, you still spit up like crazy if you nurse too often and then i feel bad for you. you started this new thing where you burp, i hear it start to come up and then you get this grossed out look on your face and you swallow it. i think it is so sweet. but i hope you know that you can spit up on me all you want. it really doesn't even phase me anymore, darling.

* you are finally on a little bit of a schedule. naps at ten and two-ish and to bed at night by 7:30. it is nice to have some predictability to our day.

* your favorite thing is still anything that crackles or rips. in desperate situations, i know that i can give you a bag of chips to play with and you will be enthralled for at least five minutes. in fact, you get so excited, you shake, get wide-eyed, and don your super serious face.

* and lastly, the look on your face when you see your daddy is probably the best image i know. tonight, he walked in the door and you started wiggling in my arms with excitement. it was almost too much for both of us.

you are our little treasure, baby boy.

we love you so.

1 comment:

  1. OMG!!!! Another new favorite of auntie Dee, I lOVE this picture of him in his chair! I will have to print it and get yet another frame for Finn!!


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