Tuesday, April 9, 2013

march madness

i guess i should say february/march madness.  so many holidays! birthdays!  better start with valentine's day...it was full of little treats and a pizza night at home.  my mister surprised me with my own beanie knitted by landra - who made finn's awesome doggie and owl hats.  ryan even helped pick out the yarn.  talk about swooooooon.

father pat was in california and we celebrated with corned beef and cabbage at the kelly's!  we all wore festive green and just as father pat blessed our marriage at our rehearsal dinner, he gave finn the most beautiful blessing.  and he blessed us as parents.  it was a tear-jerker.

my parents had us over for my birthday dinner - one of my most favorite nights of each year! i picked tri tip and salad and asparagus and my mama's garlic bread...mmmmm.

while finn had his first sleepover at oma and papa's, ryan and i celebrated my birthday at my favorite spot on earth: point reyes.  we did an eight mile hike, stopped in point reyes station for cookies and window shopping, went to my favorite beach, ate genova's deli sandwiches for lunch, and fremont diner for dinnner.  could you imagine a better day?  we found that we talked a lot about finn, but it was such a treat to have each other to ourselves for 24 hours for the first time in 18 months!

the next day was st. patty's day at casa de awesome! finn was feeling very smiley so we took some family pics, sans rachel :(

dear tracey hit the big 3-0. and we took the ferry to sf for a day of food, wine and fun.  well except for pregnant christy who was a real good sport and just had coca cola classic.

that beet salad down there really rocked my world.  so did our rainy rickshaw ride. and so did anthropologie and paper source.  but mostly, a day away with just these girls.

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