Wednesday, October 19, 2011

twelve hours... casa de awesome.

1. finn has breakfast. 2. finn and mama lounge in bed chatting with tante rach.

3. sister makes pancakes. mama has breakfast.

4. finn has a sad moment. 5. followed by a moment of elation.

6. papa gives finn a nice place for a little morning nap. 7. oma gives finn his first jack-o-lantern.

8. the headley's come to visit! 9. kelsey gives finn a nice place for a litte afternoon nap.

10. tante emily holds finn as we take an evening stroll. finn decides to nap.

11. rach and mama bear looking as cute as ever. 12. daddy shows us his new trick.

13. oma and papa talk to finn about....who knows what. maybe about fruit trees? or labradors?

14. daddy fries up some chicken. and we all eat it. 15. night falls over casa de awesome.

1 comment:

  1. I just love your blog so I had to follow. A bit stalker-ish but whatever ;). It's just so warm and cozy and I love how you enjoy motherhood. Finn's a lucky little dude. Feel free to follow my families blog. It's still a bit rough.


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