Monday, March 19, 2012

seven months

it's been a big month for you, finn!

and it is your first monthday picture SITTING!


* you have two bottom teeth! they are so adorable and so white!

* you are a great eater, and the only thing that you are not too fond of is avocado, which really surprises us considering that your daddy and i are obsessed with them.

* you still put everything in your mouth. as evidenced below.

* not sure what happened, but you started waking up several times during the night in the last month. not quite sure what to do about it, but we need to figure it out soon.

* you would nurse all day if you could. and all night. everytime i hold you, you rotate your body sideways, pull my shirt down, and bury your head in my chest. everyone gets a kick out of it and sometimes it makes me blush.

* you only laugh when something is really funny to you - no courtesy laughs here. but when you do let loose, it is the best sound in the whole wide world.

* your hair is finally growing in on your bald spots...and it is pretty blond!

*your favorite things are outside, daddy, your fresh food mesh feeder, and still, anything that makes a plastic, crinkly noise.

* you have become much more independent in your seventh month: and it has made for a much more productive mama.

*daddy's favorite thing this month is your excited, screaming smiley face and my favorite thing is the way you hold something and rotate your wrist back and forth, examining the object from all sides. it is adorbs.

finn, you are like the eighth wonder of the world to us. everything about you is just incredible and utterly mesmerizing.

especially those little toes.

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