Tuesday, September 3, 2013

from there to here

when someone is expecting a baby i always try to imagine what that baby will look like. 
but i never get very far. i think because I am clueless about babies and their looks (i never can tell if they look like their mama or their daddy) and i think i also like the mystery of it. 
one of my favorite things is to try and burn into my memory the last time i see that soon-to-be mama, with a swollen belly, before they give birth.  because it is all so fleeting.  its so short, but it is, without a doubt the most amazing time in a woman's life. 
and when that baby arrives, i usually stare at him or her and say to myself, "how could it be that just last week, you were in your mama's tummy?"  or "of course this is you, it was you all along."  or "this is the first time i am meeting you, but soon, you will feel like an old friend..."
no matter the subject: cousin, acquaintance, or one of my best friends, i will never tire of photographing this moment, this transformation.
:: hannah and baby jacob::

::hazel and baby edward

:: jenn and baby savannah ::

:: christy and baby louis ::

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