Quick trip to Gap for honeymoon wardrobe, where I learned of the day's promotion: "buy one-get one free" for ANY SHIRT in the store. Mix match, button down, tank top, sweater- whatever. Bliss.
Phone call with photographers to finalize details. Check.
Followed by dinner with Ryan at a new taqueria by our house. We were crossing our fingers that it would be the new Taqueria Rosita or Villa Corona of Sacramento. It wasn't. But they did have Pacifico and the best salsa I have found in this city. Sweet!
Then it was home to plant our basil and tomato plants...
And finally, it was time to settle in for TWO episodes of Modern Family that we had stocked up on our DVR. One of the episodes was filmed in Hawaii and Ryan and I giggled and smiled at each other during the entire show - just knowing where we would be in sixteen short days.
We slept with our bedroom window open and dreamed of balmy Maui breezes...
P.S. Some previous tenant must have planted bulbs years ago, because every Spring these little beauties bloom. Aren't they adorable?