Friday, March 11, 2011

nineteen weeks

dear baby:

*we got to see you in action this week! it was better than disneyland. your daddy and i held hands and smiled the entire time as we watched you squirm around, get a case of the hiccups, and suck your thumb. looks like you are already taking after mama with that thumb of yours!

*however, we now have many questions following our little visit to the ultrasound department. it seems you are at least one and maybe even two weeks older than we thought. you may be a july baby after all.
or maybe just a really big baby....eeek!

*you kept your gender a mystery for us, like the good little baby we know you are. the tech said she could tell your gender pretty quickly and i squealed with delight and exasperation, knowing that someone on this planet knew what you were.

*the sun has been emerging this week and the days are getting longer. we have been enjoying walks at sunset, instead of walks at moonrise. it feels so good. i think you will like our park and neighborhood. its pretty friendly.

*during our time outside we have noticed everything coming out from hibernation: bulbs, leaves, people and birds. when i hear the birds chirp, i think they must be chirping for you.

*and this weekend, i will celebrate my last birthday as just a girl. a girl, not yet a mother. i can't believe that every birthday i have after this one, you will be here to help me blow out my candles and lick frosting off my finger. i can't wait.


  1. Lauren you make me want to be pregnant SOOOO much!! Enjoy this time...REST and EAT! :) You look fabulous! The highchair is from IKEA! CHEAP cheap cheap 20 bucks or something ridiculous like that..check out Ikea for great baby, cribs, etc. Happy Birthday too!

  2. Logan sucked his thumb inuterine too!


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