Friday, April 29, 2011

twenty six weeks

*i am getting tired of bump pictures, so here is a glimpse of baby kelly, taken about thirteen weeks ago. i think that is one cute little button nose, if i do say so myself.

dear baby:

this week, as you tumble all about in my tummy, i can't stop thinking back to the time when you were so small it would have taken a microscope to see you. seeing dates on calendars and photographs instantly makes me think about you. for instance, i look at our pictures from our day trip to monterey and can't believe that you were growing inside me and we had no idea. or i think about November and how that glass of wine suddenly didn't taste quite right, but i still didn't know you existed. or i will pick up a file at work and see something i did on december 1st and realize that was the day we learned about you. or i stumble across an old december bank statement and i instantly scan to the 2nd, curious to remember where i shopped on the first day i knew i was an expectant mother.

yesterday, we opened a new container of dishwasher soap and i said to your daddy, "can you believe that we may still be using this very same container of soap when our baby is here?" i remember doing the same thing before our wedding...buying a new bottle of shampoo and thinking that our wedding was so close i may not have to buy another bottle of shampoo until after i became mrs. lauren kelly. i don't know, i guess i quanitfiy time in terms of liquids...but somehow, it does make it tangible and it helps rationalize what a confusing thing time is: it passes so quikcly, yet it can seem so long.

i just can't quite fathom yet that the next time i open a new container of soap, you may be sweetly sleeping in your crib down the hall...

or perhaps you will be screaming in my arms.

but either way, i will be grateful and i won't be able to help but think back to yesterday when i opened that soap, and when you were still but just a dream...

1 comment:

  1. So sweet!!! I love sonogram pictures of little belly beans! And yours is definitely a cutie pie : ) Sweet post too... I often think those same things and it will get worse after the baby comes. You won't want to throw anything out and you get attached to everything that revolves around the baby. It will be here before you know it.


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