Saturday, February 12, 2011

birthday baby

somebody very little and very dear had his first birthday...

there were colorful decorations, yards and yards of paper chains and goody bags, all thanks to two very creative and very loving mama and papa bear...

oh....and FOOD. amazing, delicious food. and the best punch i have ever had. i heard the sangria was real special too. bummer.

there were one year old baby fingers...

and one year old baby toes to adore...

and a bouce house with a doggy!

most importantly, there were many people there to celebrate the first year of little baby logan..

he looks excited to open his card!

and a bit melancholy about his first cake. but could he be any cuter?

adorable. even when he scrunches up his nose and declares that he doesn't like cake.

i, however, very much enjoyed the cake for big people.

and i love that little boy even more.

you are one, logan! can't wait to see how much cuter and sweeter you get in your second year,

and the year after that,

and after that...

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for coming and making my birthday that much more special Tante! I love you!


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