Tuesday, August 30, 2011

a little lesson

i find that whenever i am holding finn and he falls asleep on me i rush to get him in his bassinet, freeing my hands and legs to do the dishes, wash some diapers, or maybe watch a little entourage with the husband. as much as i adore holding him, let's face it, there are always chores to be done.

tonite my dear mom (a.k.a. the baby whisperer) was here. and finn had fallen (fell?) asleep on her shoulder and it was time for her to head home (tear!). we debated what to do with the sleeping boy...should we attempt to swaddle and put him down even though it was a bit early? lay him next to me on the couch? i suggested (as if it were some wild, great, new idea), "maybe i should just hold him?". my mom smiled and said, "yes."

i am not good at sleeping when my baby sleeps, or taking it as easy as i should following finn's birth and tonight was a great reminder that i need to slow down and savor these moments when my baby is eager, and small enough to curl up and catch some zzzz's on my shoulder...after all, there is no better feeling. and someday i will miss this. and the dishes can always wait.

1 comment:

  1. so true Lauren, there will never be such a good excuse to sit still and savor these precious moments.c


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