Monday, January 31, 2011

Birthday Boy

yesterday was sunday funday and we celebrated daddy's birthday. complete with decorations and presents. of course.

and funny cards too.

my favorite part was the family hike we took before the sun slipped behind the valley. behind the house, up the hill and around the bend...

muck boots for all.

muck boots most always lead to some messy mischief for em. and good entertainment for the rest of us.

we did it! whew....
it was kind of hard. for me, at least. sheesh.

our reward was tacos for dinner....mmmmmmm.

and then it was time for silly party masks.

i don't know if we, as a little family, have ever laughed so hard. in fact, in this picture, mom's funny face and the camera shake are because we were trying to not to erupt in sheer, uncontrollable laughter.

we could hardly look at dad. it was too creepy. and when he chased us for a kiss, we all ran. fast.

and what is a birthday without a candle and a wish. and some amazing, sweet creation, made by mom with love.

happy birthday daddy. i love you so. so much, i fear you will never know.

and i can't say much more because i seem to cry at everything these days and i am already getting misty in the eyes at the mere thought of you.
and frankly, i just put on mascara.

i hope your day is as swell as you are.

*if you are inclined to read more about this man i call daddy, i will refer you to this post.


  1. Awesome pictures! Love the new banner too : )
    Happy Birthday Uncle Mike... Jan 31st is the best day for a Birthday!!!

  2. Oh my, what is that dessert creation?!?! It looks heavenly!

  3. i know...he is quite a guy :) and that dessert is a lovely layering of oreo crust (processed with a bit of butter), vanilla ice cream, caramel, toasted almonds, whip cream and bananas! oh mouth is now watering.

  4. are amazing....i am loving the one of you all walking up the hill and the next one with the clouds...beautiful...and i am drooling over that dessert...yum!


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