Thursday, October 7, 2010

Daddy Boy


A.K.A. Daddy, Papa, Daddy-o, Padre, Mike, hero.

I love this man so much it hurts. He is kind, wise, patient, fun, so very skilled, could survive in the wilderness for months....or years probably, he bbq's the best chicken, can fix anything, he is polite, can mince garlic at lightening speed, looks half his age, is a brilliant entrepreneur and craftsman, can seemingly do no wrong in his daughter's eyes, and he loves all of his girls with all his heart.

He is a man of few words, but when he speaks, he packs a punch. And we listen.

Oh, and he has some mean dance moves. Seriously.

He even twirled me on my wedding day.

How did I get so lucky?

Today, I wish we were walking around the farm together, walking sticks in hand. Or getting slurpees at 7-11 after a run to the dump. Or going on a bike ride. Or grabbing a burger at Taylor's. Or watching a scary movie together. Anything, really. He is just that cool.

And in June, after promising to not let me stumble and shooting me a perfect smile, he walked me down to the aisle to give me away...but that is such a silly, archaic phrase: He couldn't give me away if he tried. I am here to stay.

And I love you, Daddy-o. Forever.

1 comment:

  1. Aww Lauren. The ones about your family are always a favorite of mine. We are daddy girls through and through and it just makes me think of how lucky we are to have such great ones! I did daddy daughter dinner last night and its always so simple but special. Thanks for giving props to a great guy! Your dad is amazing!
    XOXO Katie Petrick


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