Friday, October 1, 2010


One hundred things about me:

1. I had a magical childhood.
2. I love my sisters. A lot.

3. I still can't believe I met Mr. Kelly on a blind date.
4. I don't keep a checkbook register. Many people find this shocking.
5. I have really great style in my head, but have a hard time making it happen in real life.
6. My in-laws are so fun sometimes I forget we are all grown ups...

7. I still bite my nails.
8. I sometimes wish I had red hair. Natural red hair.
9. I suddenly fell in love with the kitchen after getting married.
10. Our wedding day was my best day.
11. I love the feeling I get after exercising, but I have to remind myself of this every day.
12. I really like all my cousins. Like, really. Built-in friends. Gotta love that.
13. I don't really like dogs.
14. I have a minor post-it addiction.
15. Love made me more confident and finally comfortable in my own skin.
16. I have gray hair at the ripe old age of 28.
17. I like my feet.

18. Road trips are my favorite kind of trip.
19. I am in love with pasta.
20. Snakes scare me. Bad.
21. I am completely and horrifically tone deaf.
22. Sometimes I sneak around and pretend I am a secret agent. True story.
23. I can't wait to be a mother.
24. I am addicted to cuddling.
25. My toenails are rarely any color but scarlet red.
26. I want a new camera.
27. I am not technically savvy.
28. I love learning new words.
29. My parents have a real life love story that started in eighth grade. And they are two of my favorite people.

30. I would love to go to Ireland, Holland, France, and Fiji. In that order.
31. I believed in Santa Claus until I was in third grade. When I found out the truth, I cried.
32. I have read all the Nancy Drew books at least twice.
33. I can't wrap my mind around the fact that I have lived somewhere, other than Napa, for nearly a decade.
34. I once was a hunter.
35. I love old, Ford Bronco's.
36. Basil might just be my favorite flavor.
37. I don't spend very much money on clothes, or getting my hair done but have no problem dropping lots of cash on food, ingredients and designer coffee. Sad.
38. Home is my favorite place to be.
39. The beach is my second favorite place to be.

40. And Disneyland is my third favorite place to be.
41. I love wine.
42. I also love dark beer.
43. I may be close to a foodie but I also love me some junk food. Namely corn dogs and Cheetos.
44. I believe in making my own happiness.
45. I think my body would love yoga but I am scared to start.
46. I love to moisturize but have to wash my hands immediately.
47. I sleep with my fists all curled up under my chin.
48. I also snore on occasion. Embarrrrasing.
49. Large crowds have been known to throw me into an anxiety attack.
50. I used to play a lot of softball and subsequently have had two shoulder surgeries.
51. I still love Disney movies.
52. I wanted to name my daughter Grace until I married a Kelly.
53. I would love to name my son Rex, but the Father won't agree.
54. I can be very dramatic.
55. Passive-aggressive behavior drives me mad.
56. I hate to watch the news, but love
57. Natural disasters fascinate me.
58. Rainy days are my favorite days.
59. I love maps.
60. I used to fear an ordinary life, now I treasure it.
61. For some reason, I have really funny friends. Lucky me.

62. I get embarrassed when my cell phone rings in public. Which is why it is always on vibrate.
63. I get mad at poor manners.
64. I think Jane Austen was brilliant and could watch the Pride and Prejudice (BBC) every day.
65. My grandma is one of the best parts of my life.

66. I find riding my bike very peaceful.
67. I used to care a lot about what other people thought about me. Not anymore.
68. I spend a lot of time by myself. And I like it.
69. Outer space boggles my mind. Is it real?
70. I brush my teeth four to five times per day.
71. If I get cold in the shower and get goosebumps, I will have hives the rest of the day. Am I a freak?
72. Oriental lilies are my favorite.
73. Sometimes I think Ryan can read my mind. It freaks me out and comforts me all at once.
74. I am eager for my thirties.
75. I call my aunts "Tante" and "Dinha" and they are four of the most strong, and funny women, each so different and yet each so amazing. Forever young they are.

76. I grew up without a microwave.
77. I wear a plain silver bracelet that Ryan bought me every day.
78. I am a stress case. And everyone around me knows it.
79. I try to be really nice to wait staff. I remember what it felt like to wear an apron.80. If I have a good pen, I could doodle for hours.
81. I like to wave to my neighbors, even if they don't wave back.
82. Wind chimes give me the heebie jeebies.
83. I have owned three Volvos in my driving career.
84. I now drive a Toyota. I LOVE my car, but feel ordinary.
85. My favorite color is green.
87. I love the act of remembering. "Remember when..." is one of my favorite lines.
88. I love taking photographs.
82. Halloween is my favorite holiday. It is also the day I met Ryan.

89. Swimming is like heaven to me.
90. So is camping.
91. I was a mean teenager. And I am so sorry Mom.
92. Regret is the worst thing in the world to me.
93. Someday, I will sew beautiful things. Until then, I will dream about it.
94. I am a big fan of football and Little House on the Prairie.
95. I love classic rock and the blues.
96. I dream of a vegetable garden that will feed us for months. Next year.
97. I think of my Uncle Alex often. I knew him such a short for time, but he left such an indelible mark on me.
98. I can't believe how lucky I am to have born into such a wonderful family and extended family.
99. And I can't believe what a loving, hard-working, handsome, do- anything-to-make-me-laugh husband I have.

100. I am really, and truly happy. Unless there is a snake nearby.

P.S. I can't wait to read this in five years and laugh at myself. I wonder what will have changed, what will sound ridiculous and what parts of me will remain the same. Hmmm....

1 comment:

  1. It has been about 3 years since this post, I would love to see what "100 things about you" looks like today. :-)


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