Monday, October 18, 2010

Sunday Funday

morning and it was time for my date with my mama. I was tickled and drove through the rain, wearing my clogs (in honor of our mother-daughter day) and wondered if the day could, just for once, not go by so fast...

Our first stop was this estate sale. How could I resist this camera? I see a new collection in the works...

We stopped at Larry's Produce to snatch up some brussel sprouts and grapes. We went home and looked through cookbooks together. And then into town for a stop at the market for butter and wine and a coffee. My mama is very funny and we laughed, and laughed in that market. Right in the produce section I nearly had an incident laughing a bit too hard. How lucky I am...we not only laugh like mothers and daughters do, but also, like friends. It is sweet.

Once back at the homestead, I was in awe...Halloween had arrived at Casa de Awesome!

Isn't it all just darling?

Soon, it was time to get our bake on. I learned how to make an apple pie with my grandma's pastry recipe and apples from her tree. Mama is a very patient teacher. And pie crust still intimidates me. But not as much...after learning some tricks: keep the dough moving and flour that board!

Of course, we wear cute aprons. And for some reason, I thought pig tails were fitting. I may reconsider that choice in the future.

With our apple pie in the oven, and the rain on hiatus we headed out to the garden to pick tomatoes...such a bounty there was! And the chickens follow my mom every where she goes. I think they think she is their leader...or maybe, just the lady with the food. Whatever, it's pretty clear they love her. And it's really cute to watch.

Have you ever tasted a cherry tomato, dotted with a rain drop? Its pretty much delicious.

Out to the chicken coop so I could load my purse with fresh eggs...

And all the while, these dogs stole my heart with every wag of their tale and droop of their eyes. I feel like dogs only have two emotions: somber and elated. But it's those puppy dogs eyes that really get to me. And Annie is basically a supermodel. Doesn't it look like she is striking poses for me? Jill, on the other hand, likes to move. Fast. Too fast for my shutter.

Sweet, sweet Annie.

As the chicken BBQ'ed, we walked...talking about weather and change, dirt and hobbies, grapes and baseball.

How could I ever tire of this image...?

Daddy helped me collect SPOOKY branches for my Halloween decorations and explained how to BBQ perfect chicken...

While Mom steamed the most delicious sprouts, Rachel arrived and together we ate salad as the fog rolled in...

...and as the sun set on one fine, happy day we gathered around the table for supper.

By the end of the day, I felt all warm inside. Sometimes, a day with mom is like a spoonful of sugar, or, just what the doctor ordered. Just everything good, true and happy.

I drove home with a smile stuck on my face, mud on my shoes, and a little bit of BBQ sauce left over on my chin.

Yah......Pretty much perfect.


  1. Oh my word, Casa de Awesome is seriously just that!! Love it all. And there isn't much decorating in our house that I love more than my vintage camera collection, it's a must!

    I *need* to find those outside lights too!

  2. That was an utterly dreamy post! At first I thought I had accidentally opened my Pottery Barn webpage with all the gorgeous furniture and perfect decor and beautiful photography, but then realized it was way better... The Abernethy home beats it all hands down! Truly a beautiful post from words to pictures. I love the one of your parents. They are just adorable! Awesome photo of Annie too!

  3. I have big dreams for my vintage camera collection...Kristen, maybe you should post a photo of how you have yours displayed, for inspiration :) B - I too feel like I have entered a design catalog the second I enter Casa de Awesome. Instant envy ensues.


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