Thursday, September 30, 2010

Macaroni Muffin Sunday

Sunday morning started slowly and in the kitchen on this fine morning, I finally found the perfect bran muffin recipe! Thank you Rachel for introducing me to the wonder of Smitten Kitchen. Try this recipe. Like quickly. I mean seriously, muffins that are good for the body? I am in.

The day was quiet and hot. So I did loads and loads of laundry, hung twinkle lights in the backyard and tried to organize the garage for the fifty millionth time in an effort to find my buried Halloween decorations.

Found em'!

After that dirty mess, I decided to indulge Ryan's request for homemade macaroni and cheese... How could I decline? I love him and pasta and cheese. A lot.

Discovering my food processor's ability to grade (or is it grate?) breadcrumbs and over 18 ounces of hard cheese lickety split? Priceless.

Is there a better smell than that of whole fat dairy and nutty Gruyere cheese melting together? Doubt it.

I even managed to dirty nearly every pot and pan in the process. But its cool. Worth it.

The end result was cheesy and cozy and would have been perfect had the temperature outside been, oh, say, thirty degrees cooler.

But that's ok, the batch was HUGE and there is a frozen version waiting in the freezer for a chilly, rainy Sunday...

...can't wait.

P.S. Isn't it funny that all my blog posts are about events that occur on the weekends...I guess my weekday life is pretty boring ordinary. As in "the grind" ordinary.

1 comment:

  1. Your life is not boring or ordinary at all... but truly inspiring! : ) Keep livin' it my dear and it so fun to read about and see through your photographs!


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