Tuesday, September 28, 2010


On a sunny September day, a little boy named Logan asked his nearest and dearest to gather in the garden as his godparents were officially appointed...

He planned and decorated...

And carefully thought about his outfit.

His loyal parents were so proud...

And so were his Tantes - all four of them!

A special day for Lisa - little Logan's Dinha.

Little Logan put on his best party face and survived being passed and bounced around by all who love him...and nary a whimper escaped from those sweet lips

His mama is very good at drawing a smile from the dear boy...
she has the same effect on me.

And AJ got to work shoving rocks in his pockets. I have a rock collection too, AJ!

Four generations of Cabral...
or, errrrr... Caldbral.

...ending with a little baby boy who we all love so very much.

Little Logan's smile grew and grew when his Godfather arrived-glee, nothing but glee to see his Pining's face... melted my heart.

Little Logan's parents read a lovely speech as we all looked on, remarking on the love in the air, noting the importance of family, and thinking with mixed emotions about how very fleeting "time" is. And of course, I cried. Because I cry at every Caldbral event. Especially when it involves a "right of passage". While I cried, Emily tried on little Logan's bib.

Uncle Joe picked me a fresh fig from their tree...Don't mind if I do!

And of course, the food was as delicious as little Logan is perfect...

And then, we took a shot in little Logan's honor as he looked on with a confused and disapproving look on his face... "Cheers! To Logan!" we shouted.

While I can be counted on to love Little Logan for the rest of my days, Jagermeister will never find a place in my heart.

And my dear Dinha...one of the kindest, most loving women I know. She cares about everyone who crosses her path...

Especially her little Logan...

And all her pumpkins.

What a wonderful family she and my Uncle Joe have cultivated...

And how lucky I am to be a pumpkin in her garden.

Here is to little Logan...a very little boy with a very big heart. We love you and can't wait to watch you grow little one!


  1. just beautiful~ no other words! you truly captured the day with your pictures and words. :: tears :: xoxo back at 'cha!

  2. Jager, lol! So adorable, love it all, those food pictures are making me hungry! Love your writing as always.


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