Tuesday, June 14, 2011

baby shower no. 2

much like baby shower no. 1, this day completely knocked my socks off. from the second i pulled up, the cuteness hit me like tornado of love. i was blown away by all that my sisters had done! the welcome banner was almost too much...

when i walked through the door to emily's house, it just continued. i am pretty sure that i uttered, "oh my goodness" each time i turned to see something new and adorable - which was about 852 times. i loved all the sweet phrases spelled out in tiles, the old baby shoes and the clothes that me and my sisters wore as babes...carefully saved by my mom.

the flowers were all homegrown by my mom and grandma and lovingly arranged by cindy and katie!! i felt like i was gazing at my wedding flowers all over again...so beautiful.

seeing our old wooden toys, the farm set, and that little suitcase scattered about made for instant nostalgia.

the girls created this little guessing station for everyone to leave their guesses for boy or girl, birth date and size. the guesses were equally split between boy and girl (fun!) and the sizes....sheesh. everyone thinks this baby is going to arrive toddler size. SCARY.

and outside, the beauty only escalated....it was such a perfect sunny day and the yard was like paradise. i love banners...

the beverages were so yummy! party punch with vodka (heard it was great), wine, and my favority fave: lemonade. these girls know me. and those darling little cones contained animal crackers, goldfish and popcorn - clever, clever!

could you just die over the straws? i did.

real tables, with real chairs and real linens. so stunning. and more white flowers! ahhhhh!

pretty sure that "baby mama" sign was the decoration that garnered the biggest laugh. i had to steal it to hang in my house.

soon it was time to eat...happy time. my sisters really outdid themselves and convinced me that they should be professional party planners.

the food was simply stellar. green salad, fruit salad (thank you Amanda!), bread, and the pasta...oh the pasta. alfredo penne pasta with roasted vegetables...a recipe rachel just...oh, i dunno......CREATED. she is unbelievable to me and the pasta was all the rage. i have been enjoying leftovers ever since.

lunch al fresco...and do you spy those darling little party favor cookies my mom whipped up??! too darling. and delicious!

the dessert table!! woo hoo! so much fun color and so much SUGAR! baby berry was thrilled. so was baby mama. chocolate cupcakes and coconut cupcakes-made by the girls, lemon bars and boterkoek (our favorite dutch treat) made by mama, and fudge from erika! i was in heaven...

it wouldn't have been a shower without all these people who i simply love and adore...so many made the trek from sacramento (and two all the way from monterey!) and i felt so special. all these ladies (and one man) have either been a part of my life since i was a wee one or have helped my make my teen and young adult years a real hoot...they all have really made my life so colorful.

and the gifts...we were so spoiled yet again. spoiled with practical, spoiled with heirlooms, spoiled with hand made, spoiled with luxury, spoiled with necessity, spoiled with cuteness - i was so overwhelmed and so, so very grateful.

my sisters threw me quite a bash. i knew all along it would be fabulous, but i had so idea how BEAUTIFUL and how oh-so fun it would be...they made me feel like the luckiest baby mama this side of the atlantic. its not too often in life when you get so many people you love in one room. i treasure days like this. and all day, i felt lucky not just because they gave me such an incredible day to remember, but also lucky because i have them. forever.

baby berry has the coolest tantes.

i am so thankful to everyone that helped make it a perfect day. and girls, from the bottom of my heart...thank you.


p.s. rachel made the dress she is wearing. hard to believe, right?

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