Thursday, June 2, 2011


my day was tiring. and ordinary. until i got home.

ryan was waiting for me at the door. such a simple gesture can make me feel so loved.

after a twenty minute rest on the couch where i bemoaned (and ryan patiently listened) my swollen feet and tired body as we heard about tornado warnings (creepy!), i got a second wind and decided that smiling is much more fun.

so we cooked together.

nitrate free sausage, vitamin rich peppers and whole wheat pasta make this supper not only delicious but one that i can feel good about eating. pretend like you don't see the pat of butter added at the end to "round it out and add a bit of richness" as ina would say.

lemonade makes me very happy these days and so do store bought tomatoes that actually have flavor. mmmmmmm....

pineapple for dessert and the new napkins found at target. they make me very happy.

happy tummies and rainy evenings seem perfect for pajama party and a movie (shrek 3) so that is exactly what we did.

and it felt like it was meant to be.

p.s. happy anniversary to my lovely parents today! 32 years! i am so happy they got hitched all those years ago, and am so grateful for the influence they have made on my idea of a loving, happy, healthy marriage...because they really are just that. happy and still in love. a true sight to see. here is to you two!!

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