Sunday, June 5, 2011

one year

june 5th. one year. wowza.

that day was just so perfect sometimes i wonder if it really happened the way i remember it. but then i look at the pictures and see it captured on film. it did happen as i remember it. all those people. all that love for us. and then i see ryan at the end of that grassy aisle, under that big oak tree, with all that love for me. and i, for him. ahhhhhh. it was my best day. ever.

and today, it was one year ago.

our newlywed skins have now been shed, but with that comes a bit more wisdom, a lot more understanding and a whole lotta love. being married does feel different. which i wasn't so sure about before. and it is true what they say...the love just grows.

so tonight, we will look at our vows and eat that amazing cake again, all with the hope that those tender words and sweet flavors help bring back a bit of that magic we felt one year ago....i think it will.

and to my ryan, you are my favorite everything. and you make me feel like all is right with the world and that happiness is ours for the taking.

i love you. long time.

yours forever, L


  1. Happy Anniversary L & R! Still loving your wedding pictures and the darn cute couple you are. Cheers to many more and your home growing by 2 feet in a few months! xoxo~ B.

  2. Um...I just read this and am weeping, from happiness of course! Congrats on the much has happened:)


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