Saturday, August 14, 2010

Ring Pop.

Friday night I got the call. A last minute sittin' gig. Lucky me. I love these kiddos.

After supper, coloring time and homework, we hit the pavement for a walk.

Because I am a "Disneyland sitter", I was treating to ice cream...Hard to beat a Thrifty cone. But of course, the ice cream counter was closed. Pretty heartbreaking to report this news to two very excited five year olds.

We re-grouped and found our way to the candy aisle. The kids chose RING POPS. One of my all-time favorite candies and my "go to" road trip treat.

The candy made for some very complacent, happy children and when I spotted this bench and rose bush, I knew it was the beginning of a photo shoot. But my-oh-my! Taking pictures of kids is hard! The candy helped A LOT. But I really feel for all you mamas. I think I took about 50 pics and just got a few good ones. How do you do it?? Are your cameras on sport mode all the time? It seems that kids move at lightening speed.

This last one is one of my favorite pictures that I have ever taken.

We were headed to the park and I suggested that we all have a quick seat with our ring pops. I haphazardly set the camera on the stroller, we plopped down and ten seconds later, the timer "clicked". And this is what the lens found:

I love when photographs surprise you. After I took it, I thought it was a flop...but as I uploaded it, Ryan turned is head towards the computer and told me what a cool shot he thought it was. I looked at it in a new light and felt quite proud. Compliments from Husbands are the best kind I am convinced.

I know it is not technically well-done, and another viewer may find it silly, the lighting is harsh and I had to do some editing, but I still love it and I assure you it has nothing to do with the fact that I am a part of this picture.

I love the position of the trees in the background, and even the light post, which just helps make this shot something special to me.

I love that Madden's legs are positioned in a much more ladylike position than mine. Five years old and already a lady.

I love the spontaneity with which this picture was taken.

And most of all, I love that Jackson's shoes are on the wrong feet.

Who knew Friday nights with five year olds could be so fun. Especially when Ring Pops are involved.

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