Saturday, July 3, 2010

It all started with lunch...

T and E went to pick up a smorgasbord of treats at Whole Foods while I stayed home to watch over a sleeping little E.

When we do lunch on Saturday, bubbles with cherries are included, a.k.a "TreyTini". Don't mind if I do...

A little jam session was next...

with a short break to watch Calliou...what a hit that show is among the 2-4 year old demographic. Who knew? I got quite into it myself, but found myself more intrigued by the perfect posture of toddlers...

We then did a little digging in the dirt, because that is what baby boys like to do on Saturdays. Get a load of that outfit and shoes! You know how I feel about Saltwater Sandals...

It was then onto Coldstone and Starbucks. What will you choose Ever?

The afternoon found us begging for one of our favorite pastimes: a weekend drive into the country. We assumed our familiar positions, me in the driver's seat, Trevor manning the radio controls and showing off his killer dance moves, with Erika in the back scanning for cute boys, and roadside hazards while entertaining us with her singing voice. Our drive led us to our old stomping grounds and we figured a photo shoot was due...

Look at these two. Precious, I tell you.

Our shy, school girl pose.

Soda Canyon Road...ahh, how many miles have we put on that bad boy?

Our big day out in the little town ended with dinner at Norman Rose. If you haven't been there, I implore you, run don't walk. AMAZING.

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