Tuesday, July 13, 2010

This old house.

Remember this place? Good ole' 1637 "H" Street. Otherwise, known as Casa de Awesome, the first.

A humble, and lovely little house. The house where I grew up.

Oh, how I love this house and what I wouldn't do just to steal a quick peak of that big tree in the backyard, or the kitchen where so many birthday candles were extinguished, or even just a quick glance of the beautiful hardwood floors that our sweet Emily learned to walk on.

If I close my eyes, I can still recall the sound of the that screen door slapping against the door jam, or the dried, crunchy Sycamore leaves rolling along the patio. And if I am very still and try real hard, I can see a fort under the kitchen table, and I can still hear our little voices, my Dad's boots coming up the porch steps and our subsequent squeals, a basketball bouncing along the driveway, that enticing ice cream truck tune, my mom patiently chopping basil, and maybe just a little Raffi or Bruce Springsteen in the background.

That house saw Easter morning egg hunts, and homework. Graduation parties and sore throats. Popsicle evenings and laundry piles. Jeep rides and flat bicycle tires. But as for me? I only remember the sunny mornings and lemonade...

If I could wrap up my childhood and place it in a pretty box, this would be the place. The place where rainbows and unicorns were so real you could touch them, where "goodness" was the only thing we knew, and where another dose of happiness and magic was just a good night's sleep away...


Everyone has moved and according to my field research 1637 H Street now accomodates a Mercedes driver. My sisters and I have our own little dwellings and Casa de Awesome, II looks very different and yet very same. It is a new kind of magic place. A place for grown-up children and grown-up games. Although different, the adventures of Casa de Awesome, II do not disapoint. So much beauty and so much to see and do...

...including take a hike up the hill with a boy named Ryan and a dog named Jill.

Surely, this place has taught me that home is where the heart is, and this new home is heaven, I declare.

But don't forget...

...you may be able to take the girl out of "H" Street, but you can't take the "H" Street out of the girl.

1 comment:

  1. I remember forts under the table too! Remember the fat doll too! I loved her so much.


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